— Naufrage (Shipwreck).

Oil on paper 46x31cm - 2023

Sea storm.


After the Fisherman, the second marine of my Manoirs is the Naufrage (Shipwreck).


After finding the Light in the Darkness, I now discovered Color in the Black.


This composition is more difficult than the previous marine one, on the composition the protagonists number are close to be forty individuals in distress on this unchained sea.



As for the Fisherman, the relatively little format of this composition required a lot of meticulousness, up to work the waves foam with a toothpick.


This subject is a real good example of the legacy from the Romantics period, a period where humanity, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, is already aware of its place inside this macrocosm…



*inclued specific light interactive Manoirs.